SpaceBoard Radar
Stories you like, from the network you're passionate about

Find Your Space

All you need to know to find your niche in the space industry-- whether it’s research into the depthless depths of our universe or building technology to make our way into it. Find your call with a healthy dosage of important information in this channel, and experience how niche professional networks might help you get there faster.


by Stefan Vogel
March 22, 2016

Find Your Space

Why Networking is Crucial During Space Studies

We cannot overemphasise how important networking is throughout one’s professional career. Like many students, you might not think of the fact that having a solid network before finishing your studies can dramatically improve your knowledge about the field you are interested in, as well as increase your chances of landing the right internships and future full-time jobs. If you are pursuing space studies, here are a few ideas on how to start building your network right now.

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by Shivaprakash Muruganandham
March 8, 2016

Find Your Space

Building Communities with the International Space Apps Challenge

The Space Apps Challenge, now a global event is a lesson in mass collaboration. What can we do to help nurture our own local space community? A few thoughts.

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