SpaceBoard Public Launch
by SpaceBoard
September 26, 2016


SpaceBoard live now
SpaceBoard live now

26 September, 2016

We are thrilled to announce the public release of SpaceBoard today, coinciding with the opening of the 67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2016) taking place this year in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Starting today, we invite space students, professionals and enthusiasts alike to register on SpaceBoard, create a profile and start connecting with other members of the space community. Be ready to interact, share, explore and much more!

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If you have the chance to be in Mexico to attend IAC 2016, we also invite you to come and learn more about SpaceBoard during the presentations we are holding later this week:

  • - "SpaceBoard - Empowering Space Academia" on Wednesday 28, at 14:45 in Salon de Eventos 4.

  • - "SpaceBoard - The Professional Network of the Space Industry" on Thursday 29, at 14:45 in Salon de Eventos 2.

We can't wait to see you on SpaceBoard to build a stronger space community, together!

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The SpaceBoard team

SpaceBoard is building a professional network for the space industry. Our mission is to unite the space community within a powerful online platform to encourage interactions between all space industry players and foster academic, professional and business opportunities.

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