Your Organisation on SpaceBoard
by SpaceBoard
April 18, 2017


SpaceBoard's new Board creation capabilities
SpaceBoard's new Board creation capabilities

If you are interested in showcasing your organisation on SpaceBoard you can now create a separate Board for it directly on the platform! You will be immediately assigned as its coordinator, allowing you to broadcast transmissions in the name of your organisation as well as edit all its information visible on SpaceBoard, including the logo and the header image.

In order to create an Organisation Board on SpaceBoard, go to the Community Board (by clicking on the top left icon of the platform) and click on Create inside the appropriate module shown on the right hand side (see image above). Afterwards you will be able to enter the name of the organisation and select a type. Confirming these information will create the Board for you.

You can always access your coordinated Boards by hovering with your mouse over your personal image in the top right corner and clicking on the appropriate Board name appearing below.

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