New Community Features
by SpaceBoard
November 6, 2016


We're excited to announce new community features on SpaceBoard!

Below each transmission you will find three brand new icons which you can click on:

  1. Relay
    Let your personal network know about something noteworthy you read somewhere on SpaceBoard: simply click on the Relay icon below a transmission to relay it to your own Board, sharing it with everybody you have created a Link with!

    Finally, you can comment on that transmission of your favourite lander's crash on Mars to tell the experts how it could have been saved. Simply click on the Comment icon below and let the geek talk begin!

  3. Starring
    Highlight transmissions you deem particularly interesting by clicking on the Star icon below. Let everyone know, that this is a must-read!

We hope you will enjoy these features as much as we do!

P.S.: Did you notice? Link URLs in your transmission are finally clickable! No more copy-pasting into your browser's address bar.

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