Introducing: Official Organisation Boards on SpaceBoard
by SpaceBoard
March 26, 2017


Official HE Space Board with green checkmark
Official HE Space Board with green checkmark

We are pleased to announce that from now on organisations have the possibility to have one or several official coordinators for their Board on the platform. Coordinators will be able to post updates on behalf of the organisation and directly interact with the community. They will also be able to edit the organisation information.

Coordinated Boards will be marked as official organisations. Individual users will be able to identify such organisations by the green checkmark next to their name on the platform.

In order to broadcast a transmission as an organisation, coordinators should visit the Community Board and select their organisation in the Broadcast as dropdown menu now available in the Broadcast transmission module.

To edit information, coordinators should click on the edit gear icon at the top right of the Information module on the Organisation Board.

We invite registered individual users who would like to become coordinator of an existing Organisation Board to inform us by simply clicking the Board Claim button.

We also invite organisations to directly contact us at to assign coordinators to their Board. Please note that in order to become an organisation official coordinator, it is necessary to have an account on SpaceBoard as well as an organisation email address.

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